"Art is a game with one rule: If you think you can do it better, you must do it again" -Gombrich
posing to look like Gombrich |
Myself and the cast and crew of Mnemonica lived by this credo for fifteen months. The result is a uniquely surreal film which when all is said and done, amounts to a total Mind Fxxk. I write this in all seriousness. If you allow it, Mnemonica will suck you into its world and mess with your mind. How? It was purposefully constructed to induce a mild hypnotic state in the open minded viewer. You must be receptive to psychological suggestion. This is not to say the film cannot be enjoyed casually. But if you relax and breath evenly, you will experience a kind of euphoria or what I refer to as "floating in space". Your eyes will follow the images and your ears with hear the sounds, but your mind will be carried away softly. Don't worry, you will return to normal consciousness the moment the film ends. You may even feel the urge to smile or say something nice to your loved ones.
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We have entered the film into a great contest. If we win the contest, Mnemonica will screen in 50 AMC movie theaters across the country.
Visit this link and vote Five stars:
Many times I thought they were controlling my mind- those afternoons of extremes- the hottest, the coldest, I have ever felt. Those magicians, conjuring worlds around the corner, just out of site, yet endless.